Soccer Fall 2009
I took a photography class in Fall 2009 and I completed many of my weekly assignments at my nephew’s soccer games. Here are some of my favorite shots. More to come later! [fpg id=”1275270536_468x910_.xml”]
I took a photography class in Fall 2009 and I completed many of my weekly assignments at my nephew’s soccer games. Here are some of my favorite shots. More to come later! [fpg id=”1275270536_468x910_.xml”]
May 17, 2010 Today, I had the opportunity of giving a presentation at my old elementary school as part of the school’s big 50th Birthday Celebration. The entire student body was in attendance (grades K-6) which included 550 students (plus … Continued
May 5, 2010 Today I visited the first graders at Park View Elementary School. I simplified the presentation for my young audience. I spoke briefly about the different types of writing that people do. Then, I talked about a couple … Continued
I’ve always wanted to learn how to make the perfect biscuit. Today, I found THE recipe. And to think it was sitting in a cookbook on my kitchen shelf all along!! These biscuits are light, flaky, buttery, and fantastically delicious. … Continued
This is my latest puzzle publication. It’s in this month’s issue of Highlights Magazine (May 2010), page 24. Usually when a person submits something to a magazine, its final format is dramatically different than what was originally sent due to … Continued
Last night, I went with my family to “A Celebration of Family History” in the Conference Center in downtown Salt Lake City. I’ve been to many, many events in the Conference Center and this one ranks up there as one … Continued
April 17, 2010 The second day of the Book Festival was a wee bit more relaxing. My role was simple: come to the festival and enjoy it. And so I did. I spent most of my time in the Scholastic … Continued
April 16, 2010 Last fall, I was invited to be one of the children’s authors to present at the University of Central Florida’s Inaugural Book Festival on April 16 and 17, 2010. Over Christmas break, I autographed approximately 160 books … Continued
April 15, 2010 This morning, I visited Narcoossee Elementary School in Narcoossee, Florida and met with approximately 600 students. I gave three presentations in the school cafeteria for third, fourth, and fifth grades. Each presentation lasted approximately 25 minutes with … Continued
This morning, I woke up to about 4 inches of snow in my yard. That’s funny, I thought it was Easter. So did my peeps. Well, they got a little skiing out of it anyway! I dressed up these peeps … Continued