In May 2009, I spent a week in Wyoming on a business trip. While there, I journeyed 90 miles to the north for the express purpose of crossing Montana off my list of states visited. You just can’t be that close to another state and not cross the border. Only 11 more to go!
While in Billings, my traveling companions and I went to the Montana Zoo for a few hours. First stop: gift shop. Tucked next to stuffed animals and wildlife puzzles was this little notebook.
At first glance, I thought it was made out of recycled paper. But when I read the tag, I discovered otherwise.
Can you believe it? They actually made paper out of elephant dung?! And they even used the elephants to stomp the rice and dung mixture into a pulp. Be sure to take note of the illustrations at the bottom of the slip showing the paper-making process. Hilarious!
There was no way I was leaving Montana without one of these notebooks. Who would’ve ever thought that I’d visit Montana and come back with an elephant. Well, at least a part of one, anyway.
This notebook has been sitting on my desk ever since. And PS, the paper is actually really cool. It comes in a variety of colors and has a silky smooth texture. I like it!
Check out the company’s other paper products online at They’re made in Sri Lanka. Of course. Where else would you expect a crew of elephant workers to be located, New Jersey?